BIST Strategy Indices

Short and Leveraged

The objective of leveraged indices is to reflect the return of a reference index (underlying index) by multiple of the leverage factor in the same direction. It is assumed that, leverage is obtained by borrowing money and investing more in underlying index. The borrowing costs of the leverage is supposed to be on daily repo interest rates. Thus, the index is calculated by deducting the borrowing cost (return on BIST-KYD Repo (Net) Index) from the return on underlying index.

The objective of short indices is to reflect the return of a reference index (underlying index) by multiple of the leverage factor in the opposite direction. It is assumed that, short position is obtained by borrowing equities in underlying index, selling them short, and investing the fund generated, in repo. Thus, the index is calculated by adding the return on lending (BIST-KYD Repo (Net) Index) to the return on underlying index.

Index Name Index Code Last Update Time (Türkiye Time) Last Change (%) High Low Currency Change, MTD (%) Change, YTD (%) Base Date Base Value
BIST 100 SHORT SL100KI1X 3/21/2025 1,004.5833 8.01 1,004.5833 1,004.5833 TRY 9.55 25.69 04/01/2016 1,000.0000
BIST 30 SHORT SL030KI1X 3/21/2025 1,066.5123 8.50 1,066.5123 1,066.5123 TRY 11.57 25.30 04/01/2016 1,000.0000
BIST 100 SHORT 2X SL100KI2X 3/21/2025 128.2430 15.93 128.2430 128.2430 TRY 15.80 42.50 04/01/2016 1,000.0000
BIST 30 SHORT 2X SL030KI2X 3/21/2025 136.3478 16.90 136.3478 136.3478 TRY 19.93 41.31 04/01/2016 1,000.0000
BIST 100 LEVERAGED 2X SL100KA2X 3/21/2025 14,702.0044 -15.72 14,702.0044 14,702.0044 TRY -15.78 -24.01 04/01/2016 1,000.0000
BIST 30 LEVERAGED 2X SL030KA2X 3/21/2025 11,057.3858 -16.70 11,057.3858 11,057.3858 TRY -19.24 -24.08 04/01/2016 1,000.0000
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