Borsa İstanbul’s Opening Bell Rang for the 40th Anniversary of Capital Markets Board of Türkiye

Borsa İstanbul’s Opening Bell Rang for the 40th Anniversary of Capital Markets Board of Türkiye

Esteemed Chairman of the Capital Markets Board of Türkiye and Distinguished Board Members,

Valuable Chairperson of Borsa İstanbul, Dear Guests;

On behalf of Borsa İstanbul, I would like to greet you all with the most heartfelt sentiments.

I welcome you all to Borsa İstanbul, to the Opening Bell Ceremony hosted by our Exchange as we celebrate the 40th Anniversary of the Capital Markets Board of Türkiye.

As Borsa İstanbul, we exert our efforts in cooperation with our Capital Markets Board so that companies and investors benefit from the opportunities offered by our capital markets.

In this respect, we will pursue a goal by which more companies have the opportunity to reach resource procurement on the supply side, a wider investor base is reached on the demand side, and new financial products and services are developed according to market needs. In sum, with a target on which we focus on the growth of the markets, we will continue to strengthen Istanbul's position as an international financial center.

To this end, we invite our companies, which contribute to the growth of our country by making production, investment, export and employment, to finance their investments and growth through capital markets, while trying to create an area for investors to make use of their savings.

Distinguished Guests, I would like to congratulate and extend my respects to our Capital Markets Board of Türkiye, our regulatory and supervisory authority, with which we are working together to achieve this goal, on its 40th anniversary. Thank you.