

For most of the products traded at Borsa Istanbul, zero withholding tax is applied and no further declaration is required for foreign investors. Some products with 0% withholding tax are as follows:

  • Capital gains of stocks (excluding securities investment companies),
  • Capital gains of gold-backed government debt instruments and their interest incomes,
  • Capital gains of Eurobonds issued by the Ministry of Treasury and Finance and their interest incomes,
  • Gains from warrants, futures and options contracts with underlying stocks or stock indices (for the other derivatives products the tax rate is 10%),
  • Capital gains of participation certificates of stock-intensive funds (exchange traded funds and securities mutual funds)
  • Stock dividend incomes are subject to a 15% withholding tax.
  • Excluding dividend incomes of securities investment companies, real estate investment trusts, and venture capital investment companies and funds, which are taxed at 0%
  • Lower tax rates may be applied as per related Avoidance of Double Taxation Agreements

Please note that exceptions may apply. 

You may visit Borsa İstanbul taxation module here

This module prepared by Borsa İstanbul A.Ş. contains general information on the subject and no claim of liability can be made for any consequences arising from or related to the content of this module. For further information, it is necessary to contact the Tax Office or GİB (Revenue Administration).