BIST-KYD Indices

BIST-KYD Indices

The KYD Indices created by the Turkish Institutional Investment Managers’ Association (KYD) has been calculated by Borsa İstanbul A.Ş. (Borsa İstanbul) under the name of BIST-KYD Indices from 07/01/2015 within the framework of the agreement signed with the KYD and Borsa İstanbul.

In order to measure daily returns of variety of financial instruments such as debt securities, lease certificates, gold, bank deposit, profit share and mutual funds, total of 62 indices are calculated. Indices are categorized mainly in 13 groups based on constituent financial instruments as shown below.

BIST-KYD Indices Committee (Committee) is established in order to do required changes in “BIST-KYD Indices Methodology” on the basis of monitoring calculation and maintenance of indices; creating new indices or terminating existing ones according to market needs and demands. Committee members are listed at the link below the page.

For the benchmark use of BIST-KYD Indices, please contact with Borsa İstanbul.
BIST–KYD GDS Indices are created to measure the return of zero coupon and fixed-rate coupon Turkish Government Debt Securities (GDS) issued in Turkish Lira (excluding special category state domestic borrowing notes) and traded in the Borsa Istanbul Debt Securities Market (DSM) for several maturity bands.

BIST-KYD GDS Floating Rate Indices are created to measure the return of floating rate coupon GDS issued in Turkish Lira (excluding special category state domestic borrowing notes) traded in the DSM and the return of GDS whose coupon is calculated based on the return of the BIST TLREF Index as whole.
Index Name Index Code Last Update Time (Türkiye Time) Last Change (%) High Low Currency Change, MTD (%) Change, YTD (%) Base Date Base Value
BIST-KYD GDS 91 DAYS TD91G 17:30 5,356.05624 -0.30 5,377.67899 5,356.05624 TRY 1.13 7.70 12/31/2001 100
BIST-KYD GDS 182 DAYS T182G 17:30 6,406.39959 -0.84 6,467.31573 6,406.39959 TRY 0.50 5.85 12/31/2001 100
BIST-KYD GDS 365 DAYS T365G 17:30 5,538.47589 -2.84 5,705.67280 5,538.47589 TRY -3.63 3.68 12/31/2001 100
BIST-KYD GDS 547 DAYS T547G 17:30 1,035.91001 -2.53 1,063.73342 1,035.91001 TRY -3.59 4.79 12/30/2005 100
BIST-KYD GDS SHORT TKISA 17:30 693.52719 -1.00 701.20394 693.52719 TRY -0.08 7.02 05/31/2010 100
BIST-KYD GDS MEDIUM TORTA 17:30 463.18500 -1.80 472.08403 463.18500 TRY -4.47 4.35 05/31/2010 100
BIST-KYD GDS LONG TUZUN 17:30 338.17063 -0.36 340.21674 338.17063 TRY -6.29 1.67 05/31/2010 100
BIST-KYD GDS ALL TDTUM 17:30 3,379.20632 -1.30 3,426.52852 3,379.20632 TRY -3.98 4.30 12/31/2001 100
BIST-KYD GDS FLOATING RATE TDDEG 17:30 3,003.22592 -0.50 3,021.64600 3,003.22592 TRY 0.76 10.15 06/12/2020 1000
BIST-KYD GDS 91 DAYS T1 TD91GT1 17:30 5,271.58363 -0.63 5,321.11219 5,271.58363 TRY 0.34 7.13 06/27/2019 1,788.07497
BIST-KYD GDS 182 DAYS T1 T182GT1 17:30 6,698.55574 -0.87 6,777.74343 6,698.55574 TRY -0.06 6.27 06/27/2019 2,292.31324
BIST-KYD GDS 365 DAYS T1 T365GT1 17:30 5,468.82816 -1.86 5,589.21888 5,468.66575 TRY -3.60 3.78 06/27/2019 2,124.90919
BIST-KYD GDS 547 DAYS T1 T547GT1 17:30 1,073.54168 -1.81 1,096.44603 1,073.54168 TRY -3.66 4.71 06/27/2019 464.34168
BIST-KYD GDS SHORT T1 TKISAT1 17:30 693.31200 -1.00 702.49029 693.27777 TRY -0.69 6.38 06/27/2019 240.92092
BIST-KYD GDS MEDIUM T1 TORTAT1 17:30 488.39681 -2.00 499.69654 488.39681 TRY -5.40 3.09 06/27/2019 212.52444
BIST-KYD GDS LONG T1 TUZUNT1 17:30 330.94754 -1.15 338.50236 330.94754 TRY -6.42 0.61 06/27/2019 192.21549
BIST-KYD GDS ALL T1 TDTUMT1 17:30 3,368.91068 -1.59 3,435.10277 3,368.91068 TRY -4.64 3.18 06/27/2019 1,708.08974
BIST-KYD GDS FLOATING RATE T1 TDDEGT1 17:30 3,018.13409 0.01 3,029.03452 3,018.13024 TRY 0.79 9.97 06/12/2020 1000
BIST-KYD CPI INDEXED GOVERNMENT BOND TTUFE 17:30 1,838.67541 0.17 1,838.67541 1,838.67541 TRY 3.62 8.23 12/31/2010 100
BIST-KYD CPI INDEXED GOVERNMENT BOND T1 TTUFET1 17:30 1,852.04602 0.50 1,852.21519 1,852.04169 TRY 3.09 7.81 06/27/2019 262.20983
BIST-KYD GOVERNMENT LEASE CERTIFICATES KDEVL 17:30 380.00975 0.08 380.00975 380.00947 TRY 1.66 6.08 06/28/2013 100
BIST-KYD GOVERNMENT LEASE CERTIFICATES SHORT KDEVLK 17:30 432.50655 0.09 432.50655 432.50059 TRY 3.00 8.44 02/23/2023 319.35626
BIST-KYD GOVERNMENT LEASE CERTIFICATES MEDIUM KDEVLO 17:30 375.62195 0.08 375.62195 375.62195 TRY 1.72 5.88 02/23/2023 319.35626
BIST-KYD GOVERNMENT LEASE CERTIFICATES LONG KDEVLU 17:30 331.74382 0.07 331.74382 331.74382 TRY 0.79 6.26 02/23/2023 319.35626
BIST-KYD CPI GOVERNMENT LEASE CERTIFICATES TTUFEK 17:30 1,594.26054 0.17 1,594.26054 1,594.26054 TRY 3.42 8.00 01/06/2023 1000
BIST-KYD CORPORATE LEASE CERTIFICATES KOZEL 17:30 727.16627 0.10 727.16645 727.16627 TRY 2.17 8.90 06/28/2013 100
BIST-KYD GOVERNMENT LEASE CERTIFICATES T1 KDEVLT1 17:30 418.99230 0.19 418.99230 418.99230 TRY 1.36 6.08 06/27/2019 171.74533
BIST-KYD GOVERNMENT LEASE CERTIFICATES SHORT T1 KDEVLKT1 17:30 400.31246 0.29 400.31246 400.31246 TRY 1.75 6.53 02/23/2023 299.43936
BIST-KYD GOVERNMENT LEASE CERTIFICATES MEDIUM T1 KDEVLOT1 17:30 471.34385 0.19 471.34385 471.34385 TRY 1.33 6.03 02/23/2023 299.43936
BIST-KYD GOVERNMENT LEASE CERTIFICATES LONG T1 KDEVLUT1 17:30 386.88736 0.14 386.88736 386.88736 TRY 1.40 6.07 02/23/2023 299.43936
BIST-KYD CPI GOVERNMENT LEASE CERTIFICATES T1 TTUFEKT1 17:30 1,887.72982 0.22 1,892.47726 1,887.72982 TRY 3.13 8.75 01/06/2023 1000
BIST-KYD CORPORATE LEASE CERTIFICATES T1 KOZELT1 17:30 728.71821 0.31 728.71821 728.71821 TRY 2.20 9.02 06/27/2019 202.73097
BIST-KYD GOVERNMENT LEASE CERTIFICATES USD  T1 KKUST1 17:25 1,280.41277 -0.36 1,280.41277 1,280.41277 USD 0.03 1.03 04/02/2021 1000
BIST-KYD GOVERNMENT LEASE CERTIFICATES USD (TRY) T1 KKUSTLT1 17:25 6,030.69602 -0.53 6,030.69602 6,030.69602 TRY 4.07 8.39 04/02/2021 1000
BIST-KYD CORPORATE BOND FIXED RATE OSABT 17:30 1,005.33303 0.11 1,005.33303 1,005.33303 TRY 2.42 9.69 12/31/2010 100
BIST-KYD CORPORATE BOND FLOATING RATE ODEGS 17:30 1,245.66124 0.12 1,245.66124 1,245.66124 TRY 2.67 10.82 12/31/2010 100
BIST-KYD CORPORATE BOND FIXED RATE T1 OSABTT1 17:30 1,008.87481 0.34 1,008.87481 1,008.87481 TRY 2.42 9.79 06/27/2019 250.80824
BIST-KYD CORPORATE BOND FLOATING RATE T1 ODEGST1 17:30 1,243.11561 0.37 1,243.11561 1,243.11561 TRY 2.66 10.99 06/27/2019 288.44064
BIST-KYD GOVERNMENT EUROBOND USD EBUSD 17:25 513.54006 -1.97 513.54006 513.54006 USD -1.82 0.29 12/31/2002 100
BIST-KYD GOVERNMENT EUROBOND EUR EBEUR 17:25 347.19539 -0.61 347.19539 347.19539 EUR -1.03 -0.34 12/31/2002 100
BIST-KYD GOVERNMENT EUROBOND 0-5 YEARS USD EBUSDK 17:25 524.17341 -0.95 524.17341 524.17341 USD -0.65 0.56 12/20/2019 379.63748
BIST-KYD GOVERNMENT EUROBOND 5-15 YEARS USD EBUSDO 17:25 531.86458 -2.46 531.86458 531.86458 USD -2.19 -0.02 12/20/2019 379.63748
BIST-KYD GOVERNMENT EUROBOND 15+ YEARS USD EBUSDU 17:25 482.82812 -3.59 482.82812 482.82812 USD -4.05 0.63 12/20/2019 379.63748
BIST-KYD GOVERNMENT EUROBOND USD (TRY) EUSTL 17:25 11,826.57198 -2.14 11,826.57198 11,826.57198 TRY 2.15 7.60 12/31/2002 100
BIST-KYD GOVERNMENT EUROBOND EUR (TRY) EEUTL 17:25 8,292.87317 -1.03 8,292.87317 8,292.87317 TRY 7.33 11.28 12/31/2002 100
BIST-KYD GOVERNMENT EUROBOND 0-5 YEARS USD (TRY) EUSTLK 17:25 12,071.45256 -1.11 12,071.45256 12,071.45256 TRY 3.36 7.88 12/20/2019 1,365.47308
BIST-KYD GOVERNMENT EUROBOND 5-15 YEARS USD (TRY) EUSTLO 17:25 12,248.57657 -2.62 12,248.57657 12,248.57657 TRY 1.76 7.26 12/20/2019 1,365.47308
BIST-KYD GOVERNMENT EUROBOND 15+ YEARS USD (TRY) EUSTLU 17:25 11,119.29089 -3.75 11,119.29089 11,119.29089 TRY -0.17 7.96 12/20/2019 1,365.47308
BIST-KYD CORPORATE EUROBOND USD EOSBA 17:25 170.27797 -0.56 170.27797 170.27797 USD -0.72 0.63 10/31/2016 100
BIST- KYD CORPORATE EUROBOND USD (TRY) EOSTL 17:25 2,052.96583 -0.73 2,052.96583 2,052.96583 TRY 3.29 7.96 10/31/2016 100
BIST-KYD REPO (GROSS) REPBR 17:30 3,508.23551 0.38 3,508.23551 3,507.63224 TRY 2.52 10.44 12/31/2002 100
BIST-KYD REPO (NET) REPNT 17:30 1,942.85831 0.32 1,942.85831 1,942.57418 TRY 2.14 8.81 12/31/2002 100
BIST-KYD ONE MONTH DEPOSIT TRY MEVTL 17:20 867.83717 0.32 867.83717 867.83717 TRY 2.32 9.62 05/31/2010 100
BIST-KYD ONE MONTH DEPOSIT USD MEVUS 17:20 133.40270 0.01 133.40270 133.40270 USD 0.10 0.35 05/31/2010 100
BIST-KYD ONE MONTH DEPOSIT EUR MEVEU 17:20 119.99998 0.01 119.99998 119.99998 EUR 0.07 0.23 05/31/2010 100
BIST-KYD ONE MONTH PROFIT SHARE TRY KARTL 17:20 474.08256 0.28 474.08256 474.08256 TRY 2.01 8.04 06/28/2013 100
BIST-KYD ONE MONTH PROFIT SHARE USD KARUS 17:20 120.38781 0.01 120.38781 120.38781 USD 0.07 0.25 06/28/2013 100
BIST-KYD ONE MONTH PROFIT SHARE EUR KAREU 17:20 115.80831 0.01 115.80831 115.80831 EUR 0.04 0.14 06/28/2013 100
BIST-KYD GOLD PRICE WEIGHTED AVERAGE ATORT 16:00 3,714,660.96054 0.26 3,721,020.50501 3,705,173.56278 TRY 9.77 23.91 02/17/2006 23,318.25
BIST-KYD GOLD PRICE CLOSE ATKAP 16:00 3,718,883.64583 0.45 3,726,103.71648 3,702,089.50403 TRY 9.85 23.67 12/29/2006 28,812.46
BIST-KYD EQUITY FUND FHISE 17:20 2,463.12078 -1.36 2,463.12078 2,463.12078 TRY -0.63 -1.00 12/31/2015 100
BIST-KYD FIXED INCOME FUND FBORC 17:20 728.39154 -0.34 728.39154 728.39154 TRY 1.63 8.50 12/31/2015 100
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