BIST Stock Indices


The BIST Buyback Index consists of shares of companies that implement Buyback Programs to purchase their own shares, within the scope of the Capital Markets Board's Regulation on Repurchased Shares and the Principle Decision No. i-SPK.22.7.

The sope of the index is determined based on the data disclosed in notifications made using the template named "Notification Regarding Share Buy-Back" on the Public Disclosure Platform (KAP).

The shares included in the BIST Buyback (XUGRA) Index can be accessed from here.

Index Name Index Code Last Update Time (Türkiye Time) Last Change (%) High Low Currency Change, MTD (%) Change, YTD (%) Base Date Base Value
BIST BUYBACK XUGRA 3/21/2025 9,250.04 -8.27 10,006.25 9,195.68 TRY -5.36 -4.16 08/15/2023 7,737.38
BIST BUYBACK RETURN XUGRA_CFCNTLTL 3/21/2025 9,409.52 -8.27 10,178.77 9,354.22 TRY -5.36 -4.16 08/15/2023 7,737.38
BIST BUYBACK (USD) XUGRA_CFCPTLUS 3/21/2025 1,422.10 -8.12 1,422.10 1,422.10 USD -9.03 -10.67 08/15/2023 1,666.53
BIST BUYBACK RETURN (USD) XUGRA_CFCNTLUS 3/21/2025 1,446.62 -8.12 1,446.62 1,446.62 USD -9.03 -10.66 08/15/2023 1,666.53
BIST BUYBACK (EURO) XUGRA_CFCPTLER 3/21/2025 1,537.92 -7.89 1,537.92 1,537.92 EUR -12.74 -14.17 08/15/2023 1,784.61
BIST BUYBACK RETURN (EURO) XUGRA_CFCNTLER 3/21/2025 1,564.44 -7.89 1,564.44 1,564.44 EUR -12.73 -14.16 08/15/2023 1,784.61
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