BIST Stock Indices


Three dividend indices, namely BIST Dividend, BIST Dividend 25 and BIST Dividend 25 Capped 10 are calculated.

The index consists of the stocks of companies traded on the Stars, Main and SubMarket , all of them having distributed cash dividends in the last 3 years.

The index consists of 25 stocks placed in the first 2/3 slice in the ranking of the constitutents of BIST Dividend Index in descending order according to dividend yield as of the review day and have the highest average free float market value.

Please click for BIST Dividend Indices constituents.

Index Name Index Code Last Update Time (Türkiye Time) Last Change (%) High Low Currency Change, MTD (%) Change, YTD (%) Base Date Base Value
BIST DIVIDEND XTMTU 3/21/2025 9,793.25 -8.06 10,593.98 9,738.24 TRY -7.82 -8.94 06/30/2011 632.69
BIST DIVIDEND 25 XTM25 3/21/2025 12,061.37 -8.73 13,130.04 12,018.06 TRY -11.09 -13.39 06/30/2011 632.69
BIST DIVIDEND 25 CAPPED 10 XTM25S 3/21/2025 12,125.59 -8.61 13,183.91 12,076.68 TRY -10.20 -12.67 08/15/2023 9,417.61
BIST DIVIDEND RETURN XTMTU_CFNNTLTL 3/21/2025 14,583.51 -8.06 15,775.90 14,501.60 TRY -7.82 -8.93 06/30/2011 632.69
BIST DIVIDEND 25 RETURN XTM25_CFNNTLTL 3/21/2025 20,808.76 -8.73 22,652.48 20,734.04 TRY -11.09 -13.39 06/30/2011 632.69
BIST DIVIDEND 25 CAPPED 10 RETURN XTM25S_CFCNTLTL 3/21/2025 12,593.38 -8.61 13,692.52 12,542.58 TRY -10.20 -12.67 08/15/2023 9,417.61
BIST DIVIDEND (USD) XTMTU_CFNPTLUS 3/21/2025 1,505.62 -7.90 1,505.62 1,505.62 USD -11.40 -15.12 06/30/2011 2,280.26
BIST DIVIDEND 25 (USD) XTM25_CFNPTLUS 3/21/2025 1,854.32 -8.58 1,854.32 1,854.32 USD -14.54 -19.27 06/30/2011 2,280.26
BIST DIVIDEND 25 CAPPED 10 (USD) XTM25S_CFCPTLUS 3/21/2025 1,864.19 -8.46 1,864.19 1,864.19 USD -13.69 -18.60 08/15/2023 2,028.43
BIST DIVIDEND RETURN (USD) XTMTU_CFNNTLUS 3/21/2025 2,242.07 -7.90 2,242.07 2,242.07 USD -11.40 -15.11 06/30/2011 2,280.26
BIST DIVIDEND 25 RETURN (USD) XTM25_CFNNTLUS 3/21/2025 3,199.14 -8.58 3,199.14 3,199.14 USD -14.54 -19.27 06/30/2011 2,280.26
BIST DIVIDEND 25 CAPPED 10 RETURN (USD) XTM25S_CFCNTLUS 3/21/2025 1,936.11 -8.46 1,936.11 1,936.11 USD -13.69 -18.60 08/15/2023 2,028.43
BIST DIVIDEND (EURO) XTMTU_CFNPTLER 3/21/2025 1,628.23 -7.68 1,628.23 1,628.23 EUR -15.01 -18.44 06/30/2011 1,845.49
BIST DIVIDEND 25 (EURO) XTM25_CFNPTLER 3/21/2025 2,005.33 -8.35 2,005.33 2,005.33 EUR -18.01 -22.43 06/30/2011 1,845.49
BIST DIVIDEND 25 CAPPED 10 (EURO) XTM25S_CFCPTLER 3/21/2025 2,016.01 -8.23 2,016.01 2,016.01 EUR -17.20 -21.79 08/15/2023 2,172.15
BIST DIVIDEND RETURN (EURO) XTMTU_CFNNTLER 3/21/2025 2,424.67 -7.68 2,424.67 2,424.67 EUR -15.00 -18.44 06/30/2011 1,845.49
BIST DIVIDEND 25 RETURN (EURO) XTM25_CFNNTLER 3/21/2025 3,459.68 -8.35 3,459.68 3,459.68 EUR -18.01 -22.43 06/30/2011 1,845.49
BIST DIVIDEND 25 CAPPED 10 RETURN (EURO) XTM25S_CFCNTLER 3/21/2025 2,093.79 -8.23 2,093.79 2,093.79 EUR -17.20 -21.79 08/15/2023 2,172.15
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