Corporate Governance

BIST Stock Indices

Corporate Governance

The index is composed of stocks of the companies traded in the Stars, Main and SubMarket with a corporate governance compliance rating of minimum 8 over 10 as a whole and minimum of 7 for each main section.

The corporate governance compliance rating is determined by the rating institutions authorized by CMB.

Ratings of companies included in BIST Corporate Governance Index is available in the company disclosures sent to the Public Disclosure Platform (PDP).

Corporate Governance Index was started to be calculated on August 31, 2007.

Please click for Corporate Governance Index (XKURY) constituents.

Index Name Index Code Last Update Time (Türkiye Time) Last Change (%) High Low Currency Change, MTD (%) Change, YTD (%) Base Date Base Value
BIST CORPORATE GOVERNANCE XKURY 3/25/2025 8,397.53 3.68 8,519.48 8,204.84 TRY 4.95 1.74 08/29/2007 480.82
BIST CORPORATE GOVERNANCE RETURN XKURY_CFNNTLTL 3/25/2025 15,231.46 3.68 15,452.65 14,881.95 TRY 4.95 1.74 08/29/2007 480.82
BIST CORPORATE GOVERNANCE (USD) XKURY_CFNPTLUS 3/25/2025 1,289.05 3.55 1,289.05 1,289.05 USD 0.72 -5.31 08/29/2007 2,114.37
BIST CORPORATE GOVERNANCE RETURN (USD) XKURY_CFNNTLUS 3/25/2025 2,338.08 3.55 2,338.08 2,338.08 USD 0.72 -5.31 08/29/2007 2,114.37
BIST CORPORATE GOVERNANCE (EURO) XKURY_CFNPTLER 3/25/2025 1,398.59 3.91 1,398.59 1,398.59 EUR -3.06 -8.73 08/29/2007 1,820.85
BIST CORPORATE GOVERNANCE RETURN (EURO) XKURY_CFNNTLER 3/25/2025 2,536.76 3.91 2,536.76 2,536.76 EUR -3.06 -8.73 08/29/2007 1,820.85
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