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Borsa İstanbul A.Ş. - Contact

Contact Form

You can apply to the Investor Information Center by filling out the Contact Form below.

Please use the form below to send us your questions and suggestions.

Contact Information

+90 212 298 21 00
+90 212 298 25 00
Borsa İstanbul A.Ş., Reşitpaşa Mahallesi, Borsa İstanbul Caddesi No: 4, 34467 Sarıyer/İstanbul
Directorate in Charge: Corporate Communications Directorate
Large Taxpayers Office - Tax Identification Number: 180 044 9175
Trade Register Number: 848233/0
borsaistanbul@hs03.kep.tr  [for KEP (Registered Electronic Mail) users only]
Establishment and activities of Borsa İstanbul A.Ş., within the scope of Capital Markets Law No. 6362, Subject to the permission and supervision of the Prime Ministry Capital Markets Board.