Index Data

Index Data


Index Data Updating Period
BIST Equity Indices Up-to-Date
BIST Risk Control Indices Up-to-Date
BIST Leveraged/Short Indices Up-to-Date
BIST 100 and BIST 30 Indices Historical Volatility Values Up-to-Date

Click for calculation methodology of BIST 30 and BIST 100 historical volatility values.

(1) In order to view csv files correctly in MS Excel, the "Number" settings of the PC should be as follows : Decimal Symbol '.' Digit Grouping ','

(2) You can download formats and patterns of the data files that are being generated by the BISTECH platform from here.

As of August 1, 2015 the data files below became available only at These files have been removed from the Borsa İstanbul web site.