Borsa İstanbul’s Opening Bell Rang for QNB Finansbank Clean Energy Index

Borsa İstanbul’s Opening Bell Rang for QNB Finansbank Clean Energy Index

Within the framework of its activities on sustainability and combating climate change, QNB Finansbank has added the QNB Finansbank Clean Energy Index to the capital market instruments it offers to investors. On January 11, QNB Finansbank Clean Energy Index was launched with the Opening Bell Ceremony held at Borsa İstanbul. The ceremony was held with the attendance of Borsa İstanbul A.Ş. CEO Korkmaz Ergun, QNB Finansbank Chairman Ömer Aras, QNB Finansbank CEO Ömür Tan, QNB Finansportföy Chairman Enis Kurtoğlu, QNB Finansportföy CEO Egemen Erden and QNB Finansbank Committee Chairman Yeliz Ataay Arıkök.

Created by QNB Finansportföy to launch at Borsa İstanbul, QNB Finansbank Clean Energy Index, was formed by the price and return performance of the portfolios of companies that derive the vast majority of operating income from the production and distribution of energy from renewable energy sources or from the production or sale of technologies or components used in this field.

After the Opening Bell Ceremony, QNB Finansbank CEO Ömür Tan made the following statement:

“As one of Türkiye's most important financial institutions, we prioritize our investments in shaping the future, and we would like to draw attention to the strategic importance of tackling the climate crisis with the clean energy index we have launched. As a Bank, we are setting out our goal of investing in other key sectors such as solar panel production, geothermal, wind energy, (SPP) Solar Power Plant and biomass power plant, financing the scale-up of existing infrastructure and accelerating the deployment of new technologies. We believe that the QNB Finansbank Clean Energy Index will be an important indicator for investors. This cooperation is a significant step towards increasing alternative energy sources, investing in their infrastructure, and supporting local energy supply with high climate performance. We are aware that the renewable infrastructure market is still in progress. Moreover, as a bank, we continue to support investment opportunities in solutions that reduce our carbon footprint, being aware of the great role that these investments can play over time. Since last year, we have signed many important resolutions and projects that will strengthen our climate commitment. Our CDP (Carbon Disclosure Project) score that we have carried to the leadership level, our carbon footprint management and our successful interaction with all stakeholders in this regard have been approved on a global scale. However, there is still a lot to be done. In this regard, every cooperation we make is a great opportunity for us. I would like take this opportunity to express my gratitude to Borsa İstanbul, whose contribution for today's cooperation is of great importance.”

In the first phase, the constituents of QNB Finansbank Clean Energy Index are determined as 15 companies whose shares are traded on BIST STARS, BIST MAIN and BIST SubMarket, whose energy generation capacity consists of at least 75% of the source of clean energy sources, and which generates at least 75% of their operating income from clean energy activities. 

The 15 companies included in the QNB Finansbank Clean Energy Index were identified among companies operating in areas such as solar panel production, geothermal, wind energy, hydroelectric power plants and biomass energy.

Fossil fuels except for wastes which can be used in various ways to produce energy, biogas / biomass, wave, solar, hydrogen, geothermal, wind and hydro renewable energy sources were identified as clean energy sources. Production and/or sale of technologies (such as energy efficiency, smart meters, smart grids, superconductors) or components (such as solar panels, microturbines, advanced batteries) that can be used during energy production from clean energy sources; refers to clean energy activities.