Borsa İstanbul’s Opening Bell Rang for Birleşim Grup Enerji

Borsa İstanbul’s Opening Bell Rang for Birleşim Grup Enerji

In his address at the Opening Bell Ceremony, Korkmaz Ergun, the CEO of Borsa İstanbul A.Ş., stated the following:

“Distinguished guests,

Today, I welcome you all to your home, to the Opening Bell Ceremony hosted by our Exchange as we celebrate the listing of Birleşim Grup Enerji Yatırımları A.Ş. at our Exchange.

Birleşim Grup Enerji is a distinguished renewable energy company of Türkiye that continuously grows with its investments in solar energy and wind energy.

Given the security of our country's energy supply and the environmental problems facing our world, we consider renewable energy investments to be of utmost importance and see great value in financing these investments through IPOs.

Birleşim Grup Enerji will also finance its investments and increase its capacity with the IPO proceeds.

On this occasion, I would like to congratulate the company's esteemed executives on this strategic IPO decision and to thank everyone who contributed to the IPO, all company employees and the intermediary institution. I wish this IPO to be auspicious for our capital markets and welcome Birleşim Grup Enerji to the Borsa İstanbul family.”