In Committed Transactions Market, same day or forward value date buy-sell transactions are realized between the seller party with a commitment to repurchase a predetermined security and the buyer party with a commitment to resell that security. TL denominated lease certificates issued by asset leasing companies founded by the Treasury and asset leasing companies founded by public enterprises assigned by the Treasury, as well as other capital market instruments determined by the Board of Directors of Borsa İstanbul can be traded in the Market.
Orders are placed by specifying the rate, amount, start and end value dates as well as the instrument to be traded and its price. Price of each instrument is transmitted in terms of price type of the relevant instrument traded in the Outright Purchases and Sales Market. Orders are transmitted in terms of settlement price for Instruments which are traded in yield in the Outright Purchases and Sales Market.
Orders are transmitted in minimum order size and its multiplies. The minimum and maximum order sizes in effect are as follows:
Minimum | Maximum |
10.000 | 100.000.000 |
Orders may be transmitted to the Market with a future starting value date up to 7 days. End value date can be up to 1 year.