Data Dissemination

Data Dissemination

Borsa İstanbul market data are disseminated on real time, delayed and end of day basis through Borsa İstanbul's licensed data vendors.

In line with market needs, high quality data products have been created and made available for the use of investors. In addition to the data related to Borsa Istanbul markets, the data of some local institutions and non-local stock exchanges are also distributed by Borsa Istanbul. Information about the content of the data products provided by Borsa İstanbul can be found here .

Borsa Istanbul data is provided to data vendors via BISTECH system which is a high quality technological infrastructure. Vendors could have a direct connection to the data in Borsa Istanbul’s Istanbul data center (Co-location). Additionally, Borsa Istanbul data is available form the access point (PoP) of Borsa Istanbul in Londan Equinix LD5 and on networks of the authorized infrastructure providers.

In case of co-location, a cabinet with electricity, air-conditioning and connectivity to data dissemination systems is offered where data vendors can accommodate their equipment.

For further information please contact Borsa Istanbul via

Borsa İstanbul Data Distribution Agreement (rar)