What is the purpose of creating Equity Market Indices?
These indices were created to measure the performance of the prices and returns of stocks traded on Borsa Istanbul on a general and sectoral basis. The indices show the change in the average price levels of the stocks within their scope proportionally.
What is the difference between a price index and a return index?
Price indices are indices that do not take the dividend paid into account in the calculation and maintenance of the index, assuming that the dividend paid is excluded from the portfolio. Such indices only reflect the average change in the prices of shares. Return indices are indices that take into account the dividend paid in the calculation of the index and are adjusted for sustainability on the assumption that the dividend paid is invested in the shares included in the index in proportion to their weight. In such indices, in addition to the average change in the prices of the shares, the earnings from dividends are also reflected in the index.
How are the stocks to be included in the BIST 30, BIST 50 and BIST 100 Indices selected?
The composition of the BIST 30, BIST 50 and BIST 100 indices consists of the shares of companies traded on the Stars Market. In order for shares to be included in the indices, they must have been traded on Borsa Istanbul for at least 60 days as of the end of the valuation period. For the shares included in the indices during the valuation period because the market capitalization of the publicly offered portion is greater than the twentieth of the BIST 30 Index shares ranked in descending order according to the market capitalization of the shares in actual circulation as of the end date of the public offering, the condition of being traded for 60 days is not required. For companies whose more than one group of shares are traded in separate ranks, only one group of shares is included in the indices. The selection of the shares to be included in the indices is made as follows: Shares are ranked from largest to smallest according to their market capitalization and trading volume. The final ranking is made as explained below. The first ranked stock in both lists, if any, is placed first in the final list. If there are no shares ranked first in both lists, it is checked whether there are any shares in the first two lists. These procedures are repeated until the first ranked share in the final list is determined. After the determination of the share to be placed in the first rank in the final list, the above process is repeated for the following ranks. In the event that there are two shares that fulfill the condition of being in the first n places in both lists, the one with the higher market capitalization is placed higher in the final list. In the final ranking, selection to the indices is made starting from the top ranked shares and taking into consideration the top and bottom ranks required for inclusion or exclusion in the indices
How to select the stocks to be included in the BIST Dividend and BIST Dividend 25 Indices?
The BIST Dividend Index consists of the shares of companies traded on the Stars, Main and Sub-Markets that have made a profit and distributed cash dividends in the last 3 years. BIST Dividend 25 Index consists of the 25 stocks included in the BIST Dividend Index that are ranked in the top 2/3 of the BIST Dividend Index according to their dividend yields as of the valuation day and have the largest market capitalization of their outstanding shares.
When are the stocks to be included in the BIST 30, BIST 50, BIST 100, BIST Dividend and BIST Dividend 25 Indices selected? Where can I learn about changes?
Periodic valuations are made 4 times a year for BIST 30, BIST 50 and BIST 100 indices and once a year for BIST Dividend and Dividend 25 indices. Valuation periods are January-March, April-June, July-September and October-December for BIST 30, BIST 50 and BIST 100 indices and February-January for BIST Dividend and Dividend 25 indices. Changes in the shares within the scope of the index are announced on the Public Disclosure Platform (PDP) and in the announcements section of the Borsa Istanbul website under the title of "Index Announcement" no later than 10 calendar days before the relevant valuation period.
When are the changes in the free float ratio (FFR) of the shares included in the indices made? Where can I learn about the FFR changes and current FFR?
The changes in the free float ratios announced by CRA for the last business day of the week are monitored to determine the magnitude of the changes due to reasons other than those caused by the capital increase process. If the ratio of shares in actual circulation is; - 50% or less and there is a change of 5 points or more in the ratio, - Greater than 50% and there is a change of 10 points or more in the ratio, the change is made to be effective on the third business day of the following week. The announcement regarding the change shall be published on the Public Disclosure Platform (PDP) on the second business day of the week with the title "Changes in the Floating Share Ratio Used in Indices".