Market Data | Updating Period | |
Total Traded Value, Traded Volume and Number of Contracts Traded | Daily/Historical | |
Ranking Of Members By Session Based Traded Value | Daily/Historical | |
Breakdown Of Equity Market Transactions By Members (Monthly) | Monthly/Historical | |
Off-Exchange Equity Transactions | Monthly/Up-to-Date |
(1) In order to view csv files correctly in MS Excel, the "Number" settings of the PC should be as follows : Decimal Symbol '.' Digit Grouping ','
(2) You can download formats and patterns of the data files that are being generated by the BISTECH platform from here.
Equity Based Data
Equity Based Data | Updating Period | |
Transactions Realized On Behalf And Account Of Foreign Banks/Brokerage Houses Or Individuals | Monthly/Historical | |
Short Sales | Weekly/Up-to-Date | |
Most Active(Top-20) Equities and Members by Traded Value | Weekly/Up-to-Date | |
Equity Name and Equity Code Changes |
(1) In order to view csv files correctly in MS Excel, the "Number" settings of the PC should be as follows : Decimal Symbol '.' Digit Grouping ','
(2) You can download formats and patterns of the data files that are being generated by the BISTECH platform from here.
Companies Data
Companies Data | Updating Period | |
General Assembly Meeting Dates of Companies |
Wholesale Transactions |
First Trading Date and Price of the Equities | Up-to-Date | |
Companies With Equities De-Listed From The Borsa İstanbul Markets Permanently | Up-to-Date |
(1) In order to view csv files correctly in MS Excel, the "Number" settings of the PC should be as follows : Decimal Symbol '.' Digit Grouping ','
(2) You can download formats and patterns of the data files that are being generated by the BISTECH platform from here.
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As of August 1, 2015 the data files below became available only at |